Monday after a few hours of sleep the team of doctors came by to examine Jonathan. After reviewing his lab work and symptoms the doctor team was pretty convinced he was experiencing a severe allergic reaction called serum sickness related to the amoxicillin he was taking. However since there was such significant muscle involvement (the redness/tenderness in legs) and Joe and I both have a strong history of autoimmune disorders the team of doctors wanted to be sure they weren't missing some other process. They wanted to do a few more tests and wanted us to encourage Jonathan to start eating and drinking more (up to this point he had been getting fluids through his IV and was refusing to eat and drink).
Resting. He was so miserable and exhausted on Monday. Rash was worse and his temperature spiked to 102.7. |
Riding around in his "special car" made him feel a little better. |
Daddy taking Jonathan for a ride |
Finally getting little man to drink something. I think it made him feel a little better. |
Jonathan was pretty miserable the rest of the day. His rash and joint pain seemed to be getting worse. Every time he moved he would cry. It was so hard to watch doing him hurt so bad. The doctors kept coming in with medical students and telling Jonathan's story and showing the rash. They kept saying how "impressive" his rash and symptoms were. I looked at Joe and said you know it is bad when the doctors at Hopkins call you impressive.
One of the rash pictures I took. It doesn't even come close to showing how bad it really was! |
These two pictures were taken Monday night before his first dose of steroids. I don't know if you can see just how red and swollen his knees and especially his little feet are.
See how swollen his legs and feet are! |
I love this face. Its his Mom- I've had enough of the pictures face. |
Feeling better Tuesday and exploring the play room |
After the blood tests and since Jonathan really wasn't feeling any better they decided to start some steroids that night. After throwing up his first dose all over mommy (gross! ) Jonathan got his second dose through his IV. The next morning Jonathan woke up a completely different baby! The swelling in his legs had gone down and he was wanting to walk again. His rash also looked like it was improving. They kept us in the hospital the rest of the afternoon until his next dose of steroids was due. Since he can't go home with an IV we needed to make sure he took them orally. We mixed the steroids with some ice cream and he took it! Yay it was finally time to go home! The rash took days for it to go away with little patches popping up here and there, but at least it didn't seem to bother him. The joint pain seemed better too. I'm so glad it turned out to be nothing too serious. Now we know Jonathan is not to get any amoxicillin ever again!
Saying "bye" to his nurses!
Jonathan Says "See ya Later Hopkins!!!!" He couldn't wait to get out of there. He tried to leave before mommy and daddy finished up with everything! (Now that he could walk again- there was no stopping him!)
"Running Out of Here!" |
The rash continued for days after we left the hospital- but got better each day. He didn't seem to have any more problems with his joints (legs/feet) after the steroids were started either.
Wednesday- You can see the bruised area is where the rash was healing- but there was some new areas popping up around it. |
Thursday the rash was healing more.... he was still getting some new spots around his diaper area.
Thursday |
Thursday |
Friday most of the rash had gone away- but some random spots popped up under his arm pit, behind his neck and on his face.
Finally have my smiley boy back! |
So glad he is ok, he is just precious - he reminds me of my little guy, I think its the long, fair hair. I love his pouty face!