Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Port to Fort 6k

Since being pregnant and having Jonathan, exercise had definitely been on the bottom of my priority list. As much as I want to exercise or go out for a run, after working, all I really want to do is pick Jonathan up from day care and spend time with him.

About 2 months ago, my friend Jaime said she was doing a 6k in Baltimore. I looked up information about it and it was described as a family fun walk and run- which sounded perfect. The weather had started to get warmer so Jonathan and I could start running outside some more. This was just the push I needed!!

Then we all got the stomach flu, then Jonathan got sick, then Jonathan
was in the hospital, then more and more stuff just kept getting in the way of me training! Jonathan and I would "run" here and there, but nothing serious. Here is Jonathan's version of training... Passing out about mile 2.

Race day came and it was COLD and cloudy! Joe surprised me by coming to cheer me on (he had a lacrosse game that afternoon so he originally wasn't planning on coming). I met up with some old Hopkins friends and Jaime. They had snacks and music to get us pumped up for the race.

Soon we all got lined up. Since I was pushing the running stroller I had to start at the back with all the other walkers and those pushing strollers -there were close to 2000 people participating in the race. When the starting horn went off it felt like it took forever to get in a spot where I could jog at a good pace- since there were so many people!! Finally I found a good groove!

The run took us from the Museum of Industry in Federal Hill around Fort McHenry and then back for a total of 3.8 miles. It was a little bittersweet running down here since this was the area I ran frequently when I lived in downtown Baltimore.

When I started the race, my goal was to just run most of it and walk a small portion. I was feeling pretty good and kept telling myself just run a little bit farther... A little bit farther. Well, that little bit farther pushed me to run the whole race!!! I averaged about a ten minute mile and finished in about 38 minutes. I was very proud of myself and my time and already thinking about the next race!! Unfortunately there aren't many that allow jogging strollers!

Check out coverage on Fox45
Fox45 Coverage
I don't know how long the link will be active- but if you watch the video we made it on tv!! You can see me running right after the horn at about 9 seconds. Joe is also seen putting Jonathan in his stroller with Jaime helping at about 1 minute during the interview with the teachers!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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